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Local Bocal April 2021

Dear Double Reeders,

We hope that your year is progressing as smoothly as possible and that all your playing activities have returned to “normal’….and maybe even better than that.
Your ADRSSA Committee met recently and elected Caryl Lambourn as the new National representative taking the place of Charles Klein who has stepped down. We thank Charles for his service to you, the SA Committee and the National Committee. A lot of work goes on in the background to keep these groups together to promote and enhance knowledge of double reed instruments and interaction between double reed players…..and to enjoy playing our instruments, of course !
We urge you all to join ADRS. Some of the benefits are access to the journal “Reeding Matter” which is produced here in SA with Josie Hawkes as editor. The is a quality and much-admired publication full of articles to enhance your knowledge and playing, opinion pieces, interviews with important performers, and a coverage of what is happening in other states. Membership also entitles you to discounts for ADRSSA events and we are negotiating with local providers as well for discount on music and accessories.
Should you choose not to support ADRS in this way, you will still be a part of the local double reed family which gives you access to this newsletter and the ability to participate in all our local events.
We have had our first event for 2021 which was a most successful quiz and picnic combined ant Josie and Tom Hawkes’ house. It was a perfect day, weather- wise and around 30 double reed lovers attended and had a fun afternoon with excellent prizes for the winners of the quiz which was expertly handled by Josie. Our next event will be a “Big Blow” May12th in the evening. and stay tuned (see what I did there?) for more details. Covid still has its clutches on us and venues are hard to come by.

We are still looking to update our mailing list. If you know of any students or teachers please check that they are on our list and let us know if they would like to be added. It will ensure they receive the most up-to-date news of all things Double Reed. Thank you to those teachers who have already submitted names of their students who will receive Local Bocal, from now on and be eligible to attend all our functions.


South Australian State Music Camp 2021

pdfPlease read the attached flyer for more information


Wednesday 12th May at Marryatville High School This popular event returns for an evening of Double Reed fun. Registration opens soon. Open to all players.

BOHEMIAN BAROQUE -The genius of Jan Dismas Zelenka

Saturday 22 May, 7.30 pm at Elder Hall
Pre-concert talk 6.30 pm
The newly formed Adelaide Baroque Orchestra is presenting an all Zelenka concert on Sat May 22nd at Elder Hall. The orchestra will be led by violinist Ben Dollman and augmented with a total of eighteen players. Special guests include tenor Robert McFarlane and baroque oboists Adam Masters (Melbourne/Berlin) and Kirsten Barry. Adelaide’s versatile Jackie Newcombe will play baroque bassoon.
Jan Dismas Zelenka will be well known to all double reed players given his exceptional compositions for oboes and bassoons.
Zelenka is acknowledged as one of the greatest Bohemian musicians of all time. His compositions feature advanced use of counterpoint, placing extreme demands on the musicians but also an unmistakable emphasis on beauty and liveliness. This special program of Zelenka will include three Australian premieres.
Dr Jan Stockigt, acknowledged as the world’s pre-eminent Zelenka scholar, and author of Jan Dismas Zelenka: A Bohemian Musician at the Court of Dresden, will host the pre-concert talk on Zelenka, his world, and his music.
Adelaide Baroque has offered a 20% discount for ADRS members for all full and concessional tickets to this concert.
The offer will only be available for online sales only up until Thursday May 20th
Bookings: or via the link at:
Discount Code at checkout: ADRS


Matthew Kneale(bassoon), Lloyd Van’t Hoff (clarinet),Kiran Phatak(flute) from Arcadia Winds will be in Adelaide from Melbourne for Musica Viva in the last week of June. They have kindly offered to do a recital and masterclasses for ADRSSA Still in the planning stages, but watch this space for details.

Since leaving the ASO Celia has been phenomenally busy starting up Artaria her recording company which produces dvds, cds, gives online lessons and live concerts. She is the National Trust Artist in Residence and her concerts are all given in beautiful venues. Tickets are limited due to the nature of the venues and Covid restrictions
April 30th, May 1st Celia Craig and Michael Ierace (piano). Recital in Museum of Economic Botany, Adelaide Botanic Gardens.6pm.

May 9th Mothers’ Day Concert celebrating the Original Baby Grand at Collingrove Angaston. 2pm Celia Craig, Tom Marlin(cello) and Michael Ierace(piano)

June 23rd “Art in the Hills” Mozart and Friends. 6pm Stangate House, Aldgate. Celia Craig, Helen Ayres (violin) Linda Garrett (viola), Thomas Marlin, (cello)

June 24th “Art in the City” 6pm Baroque Recital. North Adelaide Baptist Church


Samantha is a local PhD student whose project involves a workshop in which late primary/high school students create music similar to the Paul Rissmann projects that some of you will have participated in. It sounds really exciting and once again, more details will follow.


We are really happy to report that we are intending to get back to our extremely popular annual concert (that we haven’t managed to present for the last 2 years), Musi to Reed By. Negotiations with the church are in hand and we hope to have a date between the end of September and the 2nd week of November depending on how many weddings they have scheduled. As usual half the concert will be played by local professional musicians and ADRSSA players will make up the 2nd half.
So you can see we have been very busy organising and advertising events of special interest to Double Reed Players Please contact us if you have any suggestions for any other events or initiatives we could take that would be suitable for 2021.

Best wishes,

ADRSSA Committee:
Josie Hawkes OAM, Caryl Lambourn, Josh Oates, Hannah Kovilpillai, Tim Rosen