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Charles Klein

Charles was 22 when he decided to make music performance a big part of his life. A violin came his way, and he found a brilliant teacher, Claire Bourdet, a student of Igor Oistrakh, who promptly warned him that as an adult learner she would be brutally honest with him and that lessons would cease the moment he reached an impasse. 

The impasse never arrived. Along the way, he found an oboe, whilst helping his mother move from the family home in NSW Australia.  Shortly thereafter he left the violin, and Brussels behind, commencing his studies of the oboe at age 30 under the guidance of Grant Dickson, Celia Craig, Peter Duggan, and Renae Stavely – the entire wonderful oboe section of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra. Today he is nearing completion as a PhD candidate in Classical Oboe Performance at the Elder Conservatorium of Music in Adelaide.  As well as teaching a number of private students, Charles is a casual oboist with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and performs regularly with the Adelaide wind quintet Windsong.