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Local Bocal August 2023

Dear Double Reeders, it has been a very cold winter but it seems as though there has been a lot of double reed activities and opportunities and some of you/us have been very busy. As a person who often has to get an orchestra or chamber group together it has been difficult sometimes; not because there aren't enough players but because there are so many things on. Which is good!
Here are some events that we are organising with advice about participating.

• Our friends the Arcadia Wind Quintet will be in Adelaide in the week beginning September 11th. On Friday of that week, the 15th they will be performing at a lunchtime concert at Elder Hall. Try to get there even if it means skipping work or school!

• On the evening of 15th September from 7-9 at Marryatville, Rachel Bullen, oboe and Matthew Kneale will give a short recital followed by participating in a Double Reed Choir (aka Big Blow) with all those of you who wish to take part in our annual St John's Concert on 29th October.

• We shall be having our St John's Concert on Sunday 29th October at 2pm. Our theme is "Folk Music to Reed By!" Rehearsals will be on 18th October 7-9, 23rd October 7-9 and Saturday 28th October2-4 at Marryatville and there will be a preview rehearsal on 15th September as mentioned above. You will need to register for this event, so please do so NOW by emailing me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and make sure to put the dates in your diary.

• Some concerts you may be interested in:
Celia Craig (oboe) and Thomas Trotter(organ) in St Peter's cathedral on Saturday 19th August 2pm. Information and One of the works on the program is the premiere of a work by award-winning Adelaide composer, Anne Cawrse. ADRSSA has commissioned a Wind Quintet by Anne which will be premiered on December 8th by the Arcadia Wind Quintet.

Mark Gaydon (bassoon) Alison Heike(violin) and Michael Ierace at North Adelaide baroque Hall on 31st August at 1pm. Mark will also be presenting the Hummel Concerto for Bassoon with Michael on the 9th September in the same venue. Go to for full details of the very interesting series of programs that is being offered.

• Eisteddfod winners. Congratulations to Ulani Rangai, Bridget Wong, Jade Elsdon and Clara Mae Johnson. Ulani did a sterling job, entering many sections and winning or gaining a place in each one.

• ADRS Competition. Go to to see the details of the competition and note that the cut-off date is 13th August.

• ADRS AGM. This will be held on 26th August at 5pm by ZOOM. If you are a member, we urge you to participate. Again, check for details on the ADRS website. If you are not a member it's not too late to join. Go to the adrs website as above and renew .

Best wishes, for now, Caryl Lambourn and Committee.